This AND the minimum days registered must be met.Applies to posts, signatures, PMs, and profiles. Users will need this number of posts before they are able to use the BBCode tag or post external page urls and domain references. Minimum number of posts a user must make before they can use links. Setting are found in General->Post settings Force the install, your previous settings will be restored.Related to above error: the entries are still in the settings database. Force uninstall and then go to phpmysql, etc, and delete the entries.Force uninstall anyways, it will just leave the settings in the database and they will be ignored.I googled but didn't see how to fix it via automod. There are two minor automod issues, both are harmless. Thanks to Philthy there is now a phpBB3 AUTOMOD version of spam hammer. First thread in phpBB development forum.Based on the existing work of Philthy and Skinny Vinny.Protections are 'automatically' disabled after the criteria are met (no moderation required).Zombie registration cleanup deletes old users with no posts (optional).Prevents 'sleeper agents' by disabling posts, signatures, and profiles for old accounts with 0 posts (optional).Configurable unicode filters to prevent spam in languages not used in the forum.Configurable list of forbidden filter words, optionally show the user the trigger term.Own-site links are excluded from the filter, other sites can be added to a whitelist.Disables links and bad words in posts, messages, signatures, and profiles until a user reaches a specified age and/or number of posts.