Is Judge Dredd a good guy or a bad guy?.Read on to discover how to read Judge Dredd. It will answer as many questions as possible, offer plenty of ways to begin reading, and include many helpful tips throughout. This comprehensive guide will give you everything you need to know to start reading Judge Dredd. Every week, readers have been treated to action-packed adventures, cautionary tales, and dark satires starring this Lawman of the Future and the world built up around him.Īlthough, with decades of comics, Judge Dredd can appear intimidating at first glance – especially if you’re unfamiliar with how British comics operate. Judge Dredd is the most popular strip in the 2000 AD anthology. Find out more and read other posts in the series here. This is part of 45 Year Of Thrills, How to Love Comics’ celebration of 2000 AD’s 45th anniversary throughout 2022.